Trusted cybersecurity advisors based in Singapore



We are trusted cybersecurity advisors based in Singapore.

Our goal is to support our clients to grow their business and efficiency by managing both the opportunities and downsides of cyber risks. We want our clients to make more business, while also avoiding adverse effects of cyber risks.

Please contact us through to start our journey together!


CISO as a Service

In today's dynamic digital landscape, protecting your sensitive information is paramount. Our experienced Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs) work closely with you to tackle your unique security challenges. With their expertise, we help you develop a robust cybersecurity strategy, identify vulnerabilities, and safeguard your assets. No matter your size, our flexible CISO as a Service model offers top-tier security without a full-time CISO on your team. Focus on your core business while we handle your cybersecurity needs.


Certify your Business

ISO/IEC 27001

Certified Information Security Management System

SOC2 Attestation

Security Attestation for Service Providers


Experience the Benefits of an Experienced, Multi-Certified Cybersecurity Advisors

  • Gain a competitive edge in safeguarding your digital assets and sensitive information. Our experienced, multi-certified cybersecurity advisors bring you:

  • Unmatched, certified expertise in identifying and addressing security risks with 25 years experience

  • Multi-certified with CISSP, CISA, CISM, CRISC, ISO27001 Lead Auditor, GXPN, GCWN, cloud certifications

  • Deep knowledge of regional and local cybersecurity regulations, compliance frameworks, and best practices specific to the Singaporean market.

  • Industry specific experience from multiple industries such as finance, healthcare, government, and technology

  • Mitigate potential financial and reputational consequences of cyber threats.

  • Holistic approach to cybersecurity. We offer a range of services, for example, certification projects, risk assessments, vulnerability management, incident response planning, and employee training.

  • Though leaders in Cybersecurity field - we are book authors, speakers and write articles and whitepapers about cybersecurity.

  • Our commitment to maintaining strict client confidentiality and adherence to ethical practices.

We are here to help

Please drop us a message and our cybersecurity advisors will get back to you!